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What is a Wavedash?

1) A technique in Super Smash Bros. Melee that lets you move quickly without changing direction.

2) A blog about online communities and the grassroots engines that power them.

Matt on Twitter: @Scav

HollandWolf: RT @jasonthinks: Interested in social game development? Make sure you know your terms: via @Scav #gaming
2 days ago
scav: RT @neilhimself: I am sitting in an Indianapolis Starbucks writing a speech in a moleskine notebook. I feel like a lazy writer's idea of what a writer does.
2 days ago
scav: Fun fact: "crunch time" for social games comes AFTER the game's release, not before.
2 days ago
scav: New blog post: the important lesson you can learn from Foursquare Day. #4sqday
2 days ago
scav: Coffee. The best way to start off #4sqday. (@ Starbucks - Inwood Village)
2 days ago

So Meta